Stránka:roll 1930.djvu/177

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Coups and Degrees 171 INDEX Acorn flour ........... seaeecne 30 Adobe oc cc cece eee e cece 53, 91 Aeronautics ........... se aeenes 69 Airplane making .............. 69 Altar cloth ...... wane nee 43, 77 American, greatest ......... 96, 112 Amphibians ..............000ee 80 Andirons ..... ccc cess eee eens 46 Animal identifying ..........84, 93 Animal Man Degree........... 131 Animal raising ...... «+59, 127 Animals, Lower, Degree. se eeneee 147 Ant mest co... ccc e eee eee eee 83 Applique quilt ............,.6- 119 Aquarium ........ Sera 84 Archery... c ccc cece cece eee 25 Arctic Circle, travel into. .63, 93, 109 Arrowheads ............. 000 ee 25 Art Craftsman Degree 131 Astronomy .......... 86 Athlete Degree 133 Athletics ........ . 22 Athletic specialties ....... - 26 Attainment of the Shield........ 15 Attendance .............5. 109, 112 Axemanship ..........00-4. 27, 114 Backwoods handicraft ..28, 114, 134 Badges (ill.) ..... sce e eee eee 17 Badges, meaning of ............ 13 Bag, medicine ...... ev eeeee vene 43 Bag, parfleche ..............00e 42 Bag, rubbing stick. eee ee eee r cee 44 Baking wee e eens 0, 54, 106, 116, 123 Ball making ............... 32, 118 Barrel treading .............-.. 27 Baseball ........ cece eeeeees 32, 118 Basin ...... bere e een eeeeeeeeee 116 Basketry ........28, 31, 98, 115, 117 Bath, bird ........... 50, 53, 81, 125 Bathing .............-6. 41, 65, 128 Bayberry candles .. - 34, 98, 119 Bayeux tapestry . Beading .........cceceeenes 29 Bear, dummy -Bed, bough ....... «31, 117 Bed, celery or rices.... wee 40, 121 Bed, early... ce eee eee ee eee eee 41 Bee raising ............- + .59, 83 Beehive .......0cseeneees wecee 59 Belt oo... cece eee eee eens 44, 45 Bench ........... +o. 28, 114, ‘116 Besetting sin ..........0+e0eeee 8 Bible characters ....... 96, 108, it Bicycling .......c ce ccc eee ees - 29 Binding book .........- 30, 69, 101 Bird bath .......... 50, 53, 81, 125 Bird box ....... ccc cece e er eeee 50 Bird feeding station .. were 40 Bird lunch counter.. Bird sanctuary ... Bird Sharp Degree : .134 Bird shelter .........5ceseeeee 50 Bird identifying .............-- 80 Blanket rojl ....... eeneee - 59, 126 Blazes... ce ec eee eee eee 93,94 Blossoms ........ecceeeeee cece 87 Blue prints .............. 82, 86, OF Board, game cece eee Boat building eek eee eee nee 65, 128 Bone bow .......ccceeeeeee 38, 104 Bone decoration .............5. 106 Bone work .........00.- 30, 38, 104 Bonnet, war .....ceeeee eee aes 42 Book binding pecan eee 30, 69, 101 Books to be read............95, 110 Boonder broom ......... 28, 98, 115 Bough bed .............00-: 31,117 Bow, ivory or bone......... 38, 104 Bow, Parthian .............005 107 Bow and arrow...........0.005 25 Box making .............. Box, parfleche . Braid weaving .. Bread baking Breast plate Bridge model . Bridge building Bridle ...... Broom ...... tebe ences Brownie rank eee eee 10 Bucket making ............. Buckskin making Bug Man Degree Burlap bear .........00--e eee ee Burlap deer .........000- Bustle, dancing ........-.06. 42,77 Butter so... cece eee eee Butterflies .. 0... cece ea eee eee Cabin building ...... Cake baking .... Calendar, nature Camp Conjurer Degree......... 149 Camp Cook Degree............. 137 Camp Cooking ...... 30, 70, 115, 116 Camp Craftsman Degree seve cues 138 Camp Doctor Degree........... 139 Camper Degree ...... rn 136 Campercraft ...... ee ee erences 70 Camp furniture ............- 30, 116 Camp fire regulations........... Camp fires ........eeeceeee 108, iat Camping advantages of trees. 8 Campout ...... wee 10 Campsite choosing Camp tools ......-...-.060- 30, 116 Candie making .......... 34, 98, 119 Candlesticks .....--.... «++ +46, 52 Candy ....c cc cccc eee seen eens 124 Candy eating ........6- wees 41 Caning ......... eee eneee 29, 98, 115 Canning ...... tava e ee eeeneeee 124 Canoe building sence eee eeees 65, 128 Canoeing ......e. cece eee ee eee 32 Canoeman Degree ........ eee 140 Canoe paddle sees eee eeneaee 31, 117 Canoe trip .......000- 63, 64, 94, 109 Carding ..... eee e erence seeecee 65 Carpenter ..... sees teeaes 34, 118 Cartwheel 1.2... cece rere eee eee 26 Carving, wood . . Catapult model . Cattle identifying.