Pokračování textu ze strany 42
2. Make a 75 score in 10 tries in the game of Quick-sight, with 10 counters, for coup. A 95 score, for grand coup.
3. (L.L.) Make a score of 60 in 10 tries in Quick-sight, with 10 counters, for coup. Make a score of 75, for grand coup.
4 (L.L.) Spot the Rabbit 3 times out of 5 at 30 yards, for coup. 3 times out of 5 at 40 yards, for grand coup.
R — Farming
1. Make a seed tester, and test the germination of 3 kinds of seeds, 100 of each kind, and report results, for coup. Make 2 different kinds of testers, and test 6 kinds of seeds, 100 of each, for grand coup.
2. Work 8 hours a day for 1 month, as helper on commercial ranch producing commercial crop of fruit, grain, vegetables, dairy or floricultural products, for coup. 2 months, for grand coup.
- 3. (a) Seed 5 acres of land or weed 5 acres with cultivator.
- (b) Cut, rake, and bunch 3 acres of hay, or haul and store hay from 3 acres, either in mow or in stack. Either for coup; both for grand coup.
- 4. (a) Describe in full when and how to plant peas, lima beans, string beans, turnips, carrots, potatoes, parsnips, kohlrabi, and beets; and successfully raise any 5 of these.
- (b) Tell when and how to sow and reap wheat, oats, barley, rye, buckwheat, red clover, white clover, alfalfa, timothy, and 2 other kinds of grasses, and successfully raise 5 of these. Either for coup; both for grand coup.
5. Grow, harvest, and market any 5 of the following: cherries, prunes, peaches, pears, apricots, oranges, lemons, grapefruit, asparagus, lettuce, onions, gladiolus bulbs, narcissus bulbs, freesias, peppers, artichokes, rhubarb, celery, walnuts, almonds, for coup. 10 for grand coup.
S — Fire Making
1. Make a set of fire sticks from material of one’s own gathering (except that thong may be bought), and get with ..text pokračuje