From thewoodcraft.org
<translate> Historie woodcraftu u nás</translate>Historie woodcraftu u nássvitek-4O1-0
- Coup
- Write17) a 5-page study39) which describe the history of the woodcraft movement in your country (Wolne Harcerstwo is theme of the Polish woodcraft movement), or give a lecture20 minut[1] about to a group of listeners35).
- Grand coup
- <translate> Napiš<tvar name="concept-17">17)</tvar> takovou studii v rozsahu 15 stran<tvar name="concept-39">39)</tvar> (nebo přednášej <tvar name="1">60 minut</tvar>).</translate>Napiš17) takovou studii v rozsahu 15 stran39) (nebo přednášej 60 minut).svitek-4O1-3