134 The Book of Woodcraft must know in a ^-mile radius what livery stables, garages, and blacksmiths there are. (i mile in L. L.) . Know the location of the nearest meat markets, bakeries, groceries, and drug stores.
- 6. Know where the nearest police station, hospital,
doctor, fire alarm, fire hydrant, telegraph and telephone offices, and railroad stations are.
- 7. Know something of the history of the place, its
principal pubHc buildings, such as town or city hall, post- office, schools, and churches. . As much as possible of the above information should be entered on a large scale map. . Fell a 6-inch tree or pole in a prescribed direction so as to fall between two stakes 2 feet apart, within 60 seconds. (4 feet and 2 minutes for L. L.) . Tie 6 kinds of knots quickly. (4 for L. L.) . Lash spars properly together for scaffolding.
- i2. Build a modern bridge or derrick.
. Make a camp kitchen. . Build a shack or cabin of one kind or another suit- able for three occupants. . Walk I mile in 11 minutes. (15 for L. L.) . Run 100 yards in 13 seconds. (Not open for L. L.) . Run 50 yards in 7I seconds. (Not open to L. L.) . Swim 100 yards. SCOUT RUNNER {Kee-mo-sah' -hee) The Degree of Scout Runner is conferred on those who take 9 of these tests:
- i. Can walk i mile in 11 minutes. (14 in L. L.)
- 2. " " 30 miles in 12 hours. (Not open to L. L.)