Games and Athletic Standards Spearing the (]rear Sturgeon z95 This water game is 'exceedingly 'popular and is especially good for public exhibition, being spectacular and full of amuse- 'ment and excitement. ..n? The oust n?d? ?: (x) A st?g?n roug?y fo? of soR w?d; it shoed be aM?t thr? feet long and nearly a f?t t?ck at ?e head. It may be made re?stic, or a small log point? at both ? ?l sere. (;) Two spears ? six-inch st?l hea? and wo?en han? (about thr? feet long). The points should be sh?, but not ?e barbs. Sometimes the barbs are omitted ?ltogether. ? head should have ?n eye to which ? attached twenty feet of onequarter inch rope. On e?ch rope, s? f?t [rom the spearhead, is a fathom m?rk made by t?ng on ? rag or cord. (?) Two bo? ?th crews. Each crew cons?ts o? ? spear- man, who ? c?pt?, a? one or two o?rsmen or padders, of wh? ?e ?ter one h ?e p?ot. ?1 should be e?ert s?me? or e]? w?r ?e-bel? duH? ?e game. T? Game. -- Ea? boat has a b?e or harbor; t? ? usually part of ?e shore opposite ?at of ?e enemy; or it oblates all ?nger of collision ff ?e boats start from the same side. The st?geon ? left by ?e referee's canoe at a poht ?dway between the b?es. At ?e word "Go!" each boat leav? its base and, making for the sturgeon, tries to spear it, then drag it by the line to his base. When both get their spears into tt the contest becomes a tug of war until one of the s?ri ?ll?)f?[
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