Stránka:roll 1911.djvu/321

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3oo Boy Scout The direct/on is checked by a good compass corrected for the locality. The one who comes nearest wins. It is optional with the judges whether the use of a timepiece is to be allowed. Rabbit Hunt The game of rabbit hunting is suited for two hunters in limited. grou!?ds. Three,little. sacks -of -bWwn burlap,. each about eight inch es by twelve, are stuffed with hay. At any given place in the woods the two hunters stand in a ten-foot circle with their bows and arrows. One boy is blind- folded; the other, without leaving the circle, throws the rabbits into good hiding places on the ground. Then the second hunter has to find the rabbits and shoot them without leaving the circle. The lowest number of points wins, as in golL If the hunter has to leave the cirde he gets one point for every step he takes outside. After he sees the rabbit he must keep to that spot and shoot till it is hit once. One shot kills it, no matter where struck. For every shot he misses he gets five points. Alter his f?rst shot at each rabbit the hider takes alternate shots with him. If it is the hider who kills the rabbit, the hunter adds ten points to his score. If the hunter hits it, he takes ten off his score. H the hunter fails to find all the rabbits, he scores twenty- ?ve for each one he gives up. The hider cannot score at all. He can only help his friend into trouble. Next time the two change places. A match is usually for two brace of'rabbits. Hostile Spy Hanging from the totem pole is a red or yellow horse-tail. This is the grand medicine scalp of the band. The hostile spy has to steal it. The leader goes around on the morning of the day and whispers to the various'braves, "Look out- there's a spy in camp." At length he gets secretly near the one he has selected for spy and whispers, "Look out, there's a spy in camp, and you are/t." He gives him at the same time some bright-coloured badge, that he must wear as soon as he ? secured the medicine scalp. He must not hide the scalp on his person, but keep it in view. Hc has all day till sunset ? ? ?'00?[C