Stránka:roll 1916.djvu/302

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t ■ ayt Woodenft Ifaaual for OMi feature, i to a inches long. Maine to Nebraska and south to the Gulf. Of»y Birch or Aspen-leaved Birch (Beiula populi/olia) A small tree found on dry and poor soil; larely 50 feet high. Wood soft, close-grained, not syrong, splits in drying, useless fm* weather or ground work. A cubic foot weighs 36 lbs. Leaves 2 to 3 inches long. It has a black triai^ular scar at each armpit. Quebec south to Maryland. White, Canoe, or Paper Birch {Beiula papyri/era) A tall forest tree up to 80 feet high; the source of bark for ranoes, etc. One of the most important trees in the northern