Stránka:roll 1931.djvu/102

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86 Woodcraft Birch Bark Roll When I Become a Sagamore LESTER THOMAS after a Foresters Song Music: There is a Tavera in our Town Wood - craft will mas - ter I will ~ I'm be - com - ing as - tro - nom - ic for - est + . run a trailmuchfast-er I will learn to use the com - pass and the wise and ge -o - log-ic and a rec - ord break-ing plung-ing ath -lete rub - bing sticks I'll learn the namesof fish and bugs fish and bugs and more -or less I'll know the names of ferns and flowers ferns and flowers and birds and but -ter-flies and slugs flies and slugs The. names of trees will by thestarscan tell the hours tell the hours The. In - dian signs I'll both-er me no more When I -come a Sag-a- - more know them by the score When I be-come a Sag-a- - more. Woodcraft Hike Song W. P.- ALEXANDER When the birds make mu-sic andthe chip-munks are mer-ry gay and free Let's straight-way hie a - way as birds fly a - way to the for-est and lea Where the stream sings soft-ly and all the world is bright and love-ly to ts the place where all of us short and tall of us now would like be La de 1-lar la dil-ler fa de dol-lar la de dil-ler la de dol-lar tla de dum dum dum La de elar la de dil-ler la de dol-lar la de dil - ler tla de dol - lar la de dum dum dum.