Stránka:roll 1948.djvu/141

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2. Point out and name ten principal constellations.

3. Find the north by means of other stars than the Pole Star.

4. Tell the hour of the night by the stars and moon.

5. Know and name twenty of the chief stars.

6. Know, name, and can point out three of the planets.

7. Have a general knowledge of the positions and movements of the earth, sun, and moon.

8. Have a general knowledge of tides, eclipses, meteors, comets, sun-spots, and planets.

9. Take the latitude from the stars with homemade instruments, within one degree of error.

10. Make a sundial that works.



The Degree of Swimmer may be conferred on any one who takes twelve of these tests:

1. Perform running plain front dive from springboard, or racing dive in at least fair form, and swim in good form 150 yards using:

a. Breast stroke for first 50 yards.
b. Back stroke with inverted frog kick, spiral kick or combination frog-scissors kick for next 50 yards.
c. Side stroke for last 50 yards.

2. Swim 50 yards using legs only, crawl kick debarred.

3. Swim 50 yards using arms only.

4. Tread water 3 minutes with both hands above water.

5. Swim 50 yards in camp costume and undress without support in at least 7 feet of water, then swim 50 yards more.

6. Break following holds of swimming instructor, or other well-qualified assistant:

a. Wrist hold, single and double, each against one or both hands of opponent, by means of legs.
b. Front neck hold.
c. Back strangle hold.
Each hold must be broken at least five times in correct form and against real opposition.

7. Perform surface dive in at least seven feet of water and bring up human subject, or equivalent, from bottom in side-stroke carry.

8. Unconscious or slightly resisting subject carry.

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