Build a correct bee-hive and an approved rabbit hutch, for coup. In addition, raise a swarm of bees and a pair of rabbits, using same, for grand coup. II
Hatch and raise a brood of a dozen chickens, turkeys, ducks, or geese. Coup for any 2, grand coup for 4. II
Care for a team of horses or mules for 3 months, including bedding, currying, feeding, watering, etc., every day, for coup. Same for 6 months, for both horses and mules, for grand coup. II
Raise at least 4 beeves, hogs or sheep for market or for home consumption, for coup. Any 2 of these for grand coup. II
Successfully raise 1 animal, such as pig, lamb, or calf, from 3 days to 3 months, without its mother, for coup. For 3 different kinds of animals, for grand coup. II
Identify 6 kinds of chickens and domestic ducks, giving treatment for roup, lice, and diarrhoea. Same for geese and turkeys (may include swans), giving treatment for any 2 diseases common among these. Either for coup; both for grand coup. II
Identify 4 varieties of cattle commonly known as beef type, and 4 of dairy type; give points and characteristics of
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