Stránka:roll 1930.djvu/146

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Pokračování textu ze strany 145

25. Know what wood herbs, etc., or camp staples will produce sweat, purge, vomit, or warmth; what will make a quick poultice, which will check diarrhcea.

26. Make, use, and teach others to use, the Indian Sweat Lodge.



The Degree of Canoeman may be conferred on any one who takes fifteen of these tests:

1. Tie rapidly six different useful knots.

2. Splice ropes.

3. Find, collect, prepare, and use “watap,” that is spruce roots, for canoe binding, etc.

4. Find, collect, prepare, and use gum for canoe gumming.

5. Use a palm and needle.

6. Fling a rope coil.

7. Row, pole, scull, and steer a boat; also bring a canoe or boat properly alongside and make fast.

8. Build a boat or canoe to carry at least one person.

9. Make a serviceable paddle and paint it Indian fashion.

10. Repair hole in the side, below water line, of a boat or canoe.

11. Know the laws of beaching, caching, or portaging a canoe, also how to sit in it and how to change seats with another when afloat.

12. Swim 100 yards.

13. Swim fifty feet with shoes, pants or skirt, and shirt on.

14. Sail any two-man craft for 200 miles in a season — the other man not a professional sailor.

15. Paddle (single) a canoe on dead water one mile in fourteen minutes.

16. Spill a canoe, get in again and bale it out without help.

17. Take canoe camper’s honor, that is, make a continuous canoe or rowboat trip of at least 100 miles, sleeping out every night.

18. Be able to tell direction by the stars and sun.

19. Steer by compass.

20. Teach a class to handle a canoe.

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