Stránka:book 1912.djvu/278

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246 The Book of Woodcraft Hmmam Smms Signs r Stones ThiJ is the Trail Turn, to the Right Tura to the Left Important Varnlnj .i'ignj' in Twigs ThiJ is thcTrail Turn to the Rijht Turtt to the Left .Important VarninJ lyignj" in Gra^j* Ii4^^-'- -Oi^^y^/' v,._«lvV/^ . ■^^^^^/f/yVit) Thiji^ the Trail Tiirn. to the Ri^ht Turn to the Left ImportantVarning ^yignj in Blajej c-i/0m Thiji^ the Trail Turn to the Ri5ht' Turn to the Left Important Wartvinl Code for iTmolie •Signal J r

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Camp is Here' 1 am lo^t. Help! Gooa Newj All come to Council Jbme Special Bla3e5 ujed by Hunters d^Survtyors A Trap to ATrapto Camp iy to Camp is fo i^pecial Adirondack Sxirvfyofs Right- Left Rigivt Left Special Line Here