Stránka:book 1912.djvu/346

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314 The Book of Woodcraft times in alcohol in which is dissolved sugar-of-lead, 20 to I. This will cure the sores in three days unless the trouble is complicated with rheumatism, in which case you need a doctor. The same remarks apply to poison oak and poison sumac. Purge, mild: A de- coction of the inner bark of butternut, preferably of root, is a safe, mild purge. Boil a pound in a gallon of water till a quart only is left. A teaspoonful of it is a dose. Purge, strong: The young leaflets of elder are a drastic purgative. They may be ground up and taken as decoction, boiling a pound in a gallon of water till it makes a quart. Use in Witch hazel. doses one very small teaspoonful. Purge, fierce: The root, fresh or not long dry, of hlueflag, should be pow- dered and given in twenty- grain doses. A grain is about the weight of a grain of wheat, or one twenty- fourth of an ounce; so twenty grains is what will cover a quarter-dollar to the depth of one sixteenth inch. Rheumatism: Put the patient in bed. Make him drink Poison sumac.