Bírch Bark Roll for Girls 17 CONSTITUTION OR THE LAWS FOR THE RULING OF THE TRIBE I. Name This Tribe shall be called "The --- Tribe of the Big Lodge.of the Woodcraft League” II. Purpose T0 learn the ways of the Woodwise for their own sakes, and the worth of what they offer to those who hear: the understanding eye, " the thinking hand," the mind controlled, the body trained and fortiñed, so that one's lot wherever cast, in town or farm, in high or low estate, shall never lack the chiefest joy of life, the pleasant sense of some small triumph every day. III. Who May Enter Those who are twelve years of age, who know the law, who are acceptable to the Band and who can show themselves worthy, according to an established inítiation. All begin at the lowest rank. Those who would enter must be admitted to a Band which is already part of a. Tribe, or is afterward made such. IV. Councils A Council of the Tribe should be held in the first part of each moon or oftener. Each Band at least should hold a weekly meeting. The yearly Council for the election of oñäcers shall be held on the first sun of the Crow Moon (March) or as soon after as possible. The moons are: Snow (Jan), Hunger (Feb.), Crow or Waken- ing (March), Grass (April), Planting (May), Rose (June), Thunder (July), Red (Aug.), Hunting (Sept.), Leaf-falling (Oct), Mad (N0v.), Long-night (Dec.). Special Council may be called by the Chief with the approval of the Guide, and must be called by her upon the written request of one fourth of the Council or one third of the Tribe. A quarter of the whole number shall be a quorum of the Council or Tribe.
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