Stránka:roll girls 1916.djvu/30

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20 Birch Bark Roll for Girls The Chief appoints the Second Chief, to act in absence of the Chief and also a Tally Keeper, who should be an artist, for it is her office to keep the records, the Winter Count, and the Tally Robe of the Band, and these should be embellished in all ways. A Wampum Keeper, also, is needed, and may be appointed by the Chief, though the Chief may ñll the ofñce unless otherwise arranged. The other members, even those of lowest rank sit in the Council of the Band without election. Two or more Bands unite to form a Tribe. Every member of the Band is a member of the Tribe, and uses the Totem and call. But the Band has also a Totem and a call of its own. The Band keeps its own Tally, and raises what dues it pleases. But it also pays dues to the Tribe and is represented in Tribal Council by its Chief and Nobles (if any) and such Tribal ofñcers as it can elect. THE INBRINGING OF A NEWCOMER Those who would learn the life, and take the vows, of Wood- craft, must enter by the lowest stage of the Lodge. And before being admitted must as already set forth (p. 4): 1. Be of right age (i. e., twelve for Big Lodge). 2. Know the laws of the Lodge, also the hand sign and the salute. 3. Must be proposed, seconded, and have name posted for seven suns on the totem-pole. (bulletin board) 4. Must have taken one of the initiation trials of fortitude, as set forth in the initiations (p. 6) and if found worthy may take the vow in this wise: Should be brought into the Council by two backers. Then the Guide, or whoever is conducting the ceremony, will say at the time appointed for the inbringing, “There is a new member to be taken in at this Council, by name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Let the would-be member stand up. This candidate, I am told, has duly qualiñed in the four tests of fitness, being of right age, knowing the laws of the Lodge, having been duly posted for seven suns, having faced the initiation of . . . . .. It now remains to vote for or against the admission of this member, and to the end that there may be no hindrance to freedom of speech the candidate is asked to leave the Council