Birch Bark Roll for Girls 23 Committee has already looked into the case and endorsed the application. What is the pleasure of the Council?" Someone rises and says, “Oh Chief, there can be no question of the justice of this claim. I move that it be allowed." Another says: “I second that, Oh Chief". The Chief says: “Moved and seconded: aH in favor say 'E020,' contrary say 'Wahf The 'Hows' have it, the claim is allowed. "In which of the three forms do you desire this, the feather for the warbonnet, the badge for the costume, or the symbol for the robe?" The claimant makes choice and receives it at once. The un- derstanding being that the Tribe supplies one badge; if the win- ner desires all three the other two must be paid for by the one who is to wear them, although the right to wear all three is conveyed by the Honor Claim when ofñcially allowed. This paper is now signed by the Chief in the chair and becomes the property of the applicant; a record of it in the Tally Book is all that the Tribe nee . The Ceremonial Name of Honor The bestowal of the ceremonial name is a serious matter, and the highest honor within the gift of the Council. Certain Tribes that began by giving Indian names to all the members, have failed to understand the seriousness of their act. In a tribe of 50 not more than two or three ceremonial names could possibly be won in faimess during a year. Any one apply- ing for a ceremonial or honor name is thereby proven unworthy of it. The suggestion should come from those around him or her, after the life and conduct of the member shows that they have attained to a certain high measure of power and self- restraint, or especial achievement that manifests the excellence of the spirit within. The name is almost never given for a single exploit, but rather for a Career of fortitude or much high achievement in some department. When the Council, ever watchful, have decided that such an one, by his or her steady and Sterling gifts is entitled to a name, the best way is to ñnd out privately if this person Wishes for the honor, next what particular name or idea is appropriate and acceptable to all concemed. Then the Council should commu- nicate with headquarters. At one time we published lists of names to be selected from, but now we keep at Headquarters a long list and we make the selection. The subject is too serious for general publication.
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