Stránka:book 1913.djvu/438

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4i6 The Book of Woodcraft very light (the Hghtest on our list). Makes good sticks for rubbing-stick fire. A cubic foot weighs only 20 lbs. The scale-like leaves are about 6 to 8 to the inch, the cones half an inch long or less. Man. to Nova Scotia, and Penna; south on mts. to N. C. Black Willow {Salix nigra) The common Willow of stream-banks, usually 20 to 40 feet high, sometimes 100. Bark nearly black. Its long, narrow, yellow-green shining leaves are sufl&ciently distinctive. A decoction of Willow bark and roots is said to be the best known substitute for quinine. Noted for early leafing and late shedding; leaves 3 to 6 inches long. Wood pale, weak, soft, close-grained; a