Stránka:book 1913.djvu/473

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Some Indian Ways


By these tricks you can make the vent draw the smoke. But after all the main thing is to use only the best and driest of wood. This makes a clear fire. There will always be more or less smoke 7 or 8 feet up, but it worries no one there and keeps the mosquitoes away. RED — AU parts marked so: UilUUU •Smoke-flaps and all tops of teepees, stem of pipe, lower half-circle under pipe, middle part of bowl, womid on side of £lk, blood falling and on trail; Horse, middle Buffalo, two inner bars of pathway upback;.also short, dark, cross-bars, spot on middle of two door-hangers, and fringe of totem at top of pathway, and two black lines on doorway. YELLOW — AU parts marked so: 'ESSSUpper half-circle under pipe stem, upper half of each feather on pipe; horseman with bridle, saddle and one hindfoot of Horse; the largest Buffalo, the outside upright of the pathway; the ground colors of the totem; the spotted cross-bars of pathway; the four patches next the ground, the two patches over door, and the rings of door-hanger. GREEN — All parts marked so. ft^^*^^ Bowl of pipe, spot over it; feather tips of same; Elk, first Buffalo, middle line on each side pathway, and around teepee top; two dashed cross-bars on totem and dashed cross-bars on pathway; bar on which Horse walks; lower edge and line of spots on upper part of door. hairy-wolf's TEEPEI Marked with a peace pipe in Cut p. 444 is Hairy- Wolf's teepee. I came across this on the Upper Missouri in 1897.