Stránka:book 1913.djvu/451

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like those of the Black Oak, but are frond-like with three or four deep, nearly even, cuts on each side: The acorns of this can be easily matched among those of the Black Oak, but the kernel of the Scarlet is white, that of the Black is yellow; they take two seasons to ripen. Wood much as in Red Oak but weighs 46 lbs. per cubic foot. Leaves 4 to 8 inches long. Mass. to Ga. & Iowa. Black Oak, Golden Oak or Quercitron {Quercus veluiina) Seventy to 80 or even 150 feet high. The outer bark is very rough, bumpy and blackish; inner bark yellow. This yields a yellow dye called quercitron. The leaf is of the Scarlet Oak style, but has uneven cuts and usually a large solid area in the outer half. The wood is hard, coarse- grained, checks, and does not stand for weather or ground work. A cubic foot weighs 44 lbs. Wis. to Maine and south to Gulf.