Stránka:book 1922.djvu/288

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258 The Book of Woodcraft white, with black hind head, crest and marks on neck, and shoulders. Its thighs are chestnut. It is found throughout North America to the limit of heavy tim- ber. Quail or Bohwhite {Colinus virginianus). This famous and delicate game bird is about ten inches long. Its plumage is beautifully varied with reddish brown, lilac, and black markings, on a white ground. Its whistle sounds like "Bob White." It is found in eastern North America up to Massachusetts and South Ontario. Quail or Bobwhite RulGFed Grouse or Partridge Ruffed Grouse or Partridge {Bonasa urnbellus). It is known by its mottled and brown plumage, its broad and beautiful fan tail, and the black ruffs on each side of the neck. It is noted for its drumming, which is usually a love song — a call to its mate. Found in the heavy woods of North America, north of the Gulf States. Dove (Zenaidura macrourd). This is an abundant inhabi- tant of the farming country as far north as wheat is now grown. It is about twelve inches long, and known