264 The Book of Woodcraft It is noted for its sweet and constant song, and is found in all well wooded and watered parts of North America. Scarlet Tanager {Piranga erythromelas) . This gorgeous bird is about seven inches long. The plumage of the male is of a flaming scarlet, with black wings and tail; but the female is dull green in color. The Scarlet Tanager is found in the woods of eastern America, up to Ottawa and Lake Winnipeg. Purple Martin {Progne suhis). About eight inches in length, with long wings and forked tail, the Purple Martin Purple Maxtin. Bam Swallow, is everywhere of a shiny bluish or purplish black. Like the Kingbird it attacks any intruder on its lower range. This swallow is found in the wooded regions of east tem- perate America, north to Newfoundland and the Sas- katchewan. Barn Swallow {Eirundro erythrogaster) . About seven Inches long, this bird is steel-blue above, chestnut on
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