Stránka:roll 1910.djvu/49

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"Kim", the boy scout, was called by the Hindoos "Little friend of all the world", and that is the name that every scout should earn for himself.

5. A Scout is Courteous: That is, he is polite to all — but especially to women and children, and old people and invalids, cripples, etc. And he must not take any reward for being helpful or courteous.

6. A Scout is a Friend to Animals. He should save them as far as possible from pain, and should not kill any animal unnecessarily, even if it is only a fly — for it is one of God's creatures. Killing an animal for food is allowable.

7. A Scout Obeys Orders of his parents, patrol leader, or scoutmaster without question.

Even if he gets an order he does not like he must do as soldiers and sailors do, he must carry it out all the same because it is his duty; and after he has done it he can come and state any reasons against it: but he must carry out the order at once. That is discipline.

8. A Scout Smiles and Looks Pleasant under all circumstances. When he gets an order he should obey it cheerily and readily, not in a slow, hang-dog sort of way.

Scouts never grumble at hardships, nor whine at each other, nor swear when put out.

When you just miss a train, or some one treads on your favorite corn — not that a scout ought to have such things as corns — or under any annoying circumstances, you should force yourself to smile at once, and then whistle a tune, and you will be all right.

A scout goes about with a smile on. It cheers him and cheers other people, especially in time of danger, for he keeps it up then all the same.

The punishment for swearing or using bad language is for each offence a mug of cold water to be poured down the offender's sleeve by the other scouts. It was the punishment invented by the old British scout, Captain John Smith, three hundred years ago.

9. A Scout is Thrifty, that is, he saves every penny he can, and puts it into the bank, so that he may have money to ..text pokračuje