Stránka:roll 1910.djvu/78

Verze z 31. 7. 2018, 13:37, kterou vytvořil Keny (diskuse | příspěvky)
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Indian Signs

Thi:/ ij theTrail Ttirn. to the Right Tunx to tKe Left Important >Varwfa^» ^ Jignj* in Twigs ThijFlrtKfjTtall % Turn to the Right Turn to the Left Important . 'Warhii^. Signs in Grass Thi J 15 th e" Tra i I Tura to the Right Turn to the Left Important* Varninff. iTignj^ in Blaje^y

This is the Trail Turn to the Ri ght Turn to the Left Important . Vamiitg. • m • I ■ ■ I. ■■! I I I II I ■ I ■ Code for Jmoke JUgnalj Camp is Here I aw lo^t. Help Good New^r All come to Council •yome lipecial Bla3e5 xxseJi hy Hunters* C:^Siirvtyorsl I A Trap to ATrapto Camp i^ to Campiffo Ajpecial Adirondack Sarvtyors ItJSht- Left Ri5Kt Left i5pecial Line Here