Stránka:roll girls 1916.djvu/69

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The Degree of Camper may be conferred on those who take 10 of these tests:

  • L Can light r 5 ñres in succession with 15 matches, at dif-

ferent places, one, at least, on a Wet day. (10 for L. L.) 2. Have put up a 2-man tent alone, ten times, for actual service, ready for storms. (5 times for L. L.) 3. Can make the ñre with rubbing-sticks of own preparation. 4. Can boil water in 10 minutes with 1 match, r log, 1 axe; 1 quart of water in a. 2-quart pail. (15 min. for L. L.)

  • 5. Have made a willow bed, or a rush mat, or an equally

good one of wild material. 6. Have made a waterproof roof of wildwood materials. 7. Have cooked 21 digestible meals with ordinary camp outñts, for at least three persons. 12 meals for L. L.) 8. Know how to make a raft.

  • 9. Know how to choose a camp site and how to prepare for


  • 1o. Know how to build a latrine (toilet).
  • IL Know how to dispose of the camp garbage and refuse.
  • 12. Have slept out Ioo nights (no roof but Canvas); not

necessarily consecutive nights. (50 for L. L.) 13. Have traveled 500 miles, all told, in canoe, on foot, or in saddle, while sleeping out. (250 for L. L.) 14. Have had charge of a camp of ñve or more for seven suns (one week) and kept all going in good shape.

Camp Cook


The Degree of Camp Cook is conferred on those who take 6 of these tests: I. Can make a good ñreplace of wood, of stone, sod, or earth.

  • 2. Light 15 ñres with 15 successive matches, one on a Wet day.

(ro flres and 10 matches for L. L.)

  • 3.)Cook 5 batches of good bread in a Dutch oven. (3 for

L. L. 4. Cook 5 batches of good bread without any utensils but a hatchet. (3 for L. L.)