Stránka:roll girls 1916.djvu/70

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60 Bitch Bark Roll for Girls

  • 5. Cook 21 digestible meals over campñre for a party of two

or more. (12 for L. L.)

  • 6. Boil a quart of water in a z-quart pail in 10 minutes.

(15 for L. L. given I match, 1 log, I axe.) 7. Cook a meal consisting of baked bread, fried meat or ñsh, roast meat or boiled pota-toes without any utensils or tools but a hatchet. 8. Have trained a class in Cooking; showing and making them do it properly.

Camp Craftsman


The Degree of Camp Craftsman may be conferred on those who take 15 out of these tests: I. Have a knowledge of tanning and curíng.

  • 2. Can sole and heel a pair of boots, sewed or nailed, and

generally repair boots and shoes. 3. Can dress a saddle, repair traces, stirrup leathers, etc., and know the various parts of harness. 4. Can patch a garment.

  • 5. Can make a lace or a button of a leather patch.

6. Make set of 6 camp chairs and a camp table. 7. Make a waterproof vessel of birch bark.

  • 8. Repair a broken boat or canoe.

9. Repair a tent cover so it will not leak. 10. Make an axe helve or a hoe handle. II. Can repair a leaky kettle or pot. 12. Can solder a tin. 13. Make a basket of wildwood materials.

  • I4. Make an Indian bed.

15. Make a grass mat. 16. Can fell a 6-inch tree in 60 seconds and drive with it a given stake. 17. Cut down a 6-inch tree, and chop and split it into stove wood, using axe only. 18. Cut and ñat with 2 true surfaces a railway tie 8 feet long, g-inch face and 6 inches thick using axe only.

  • I9. Distinguish between rip saw, crosscut, keyhole saw, 2-

handed crosscut and show how they are used.

  • 20. Show the right and wrong way of putting nails into

two boards, one of which is to be fastened across the other. 21. Make a boat or a birch canoe. 22. Build a log cabin.