Stránka:roll girls 1916.djvu/74

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Pokračování textu ze strany 73

11. Swim a hundred yards. 12. Paddle (single) a canoe 1 mile in 12 minutes. (15 for L. L.) 13. Row without help r mile in 10 minutes. (14 for L. L.)



The Degree of Forester may be conferred on those who take 18 of these tests:

  • I. Can identify 25 kinds of trees when in leaf, or 15 kinds

of deciduous (broad leaf) trees in Winter, and tell some of the uses of each. (15 for L. L.) 2. Identify 12 kinds of shrubs. (8 for L. L.) 3. Collect and ídentify samples of 30 kinds of wood and be able to tell some of their uses and peculiar properties. (12 for L. L.) 4. Determine the height, and estimate the amount of timber, approximately, in 5 trees of different sizes.

  • 5. Can state the laws for transplanting, grafting, spraying,

and protecting trees. 6. Make a collection of 60 species of wild ñowers, ferns, or grasses dried and mounted in a book and correctly named. (30 for L. L.)

  • 7. Can recognize in the forest all important commercial

trees in his neighborhood. 8. Can distinguish the Iumber from each and tell for what purpose each is best suited. 9. Can tell the age of old blazes on trees which mark a boundary or trail.

  • Io. Can recognize the difference in the forest between good

and bad logging, giving reasons why one is good and another bad. II. Can tell whether a tree is dyíng from injury by ñre, by insects, by disease or by a combination of these causes. 12. Knows what tools to use in lumbering.

  • I 3. Knows how to fight ñres in hilly or in flat country.

14. Knows the effect upon stream-How of the destruction of forests at head waters. r 5. Knows what are the 4 great uses of water in streams. 16. Knows what causes the pollution of streams, and how it can best be stopped. 17. Knows how, in general, water-power is developed.