Stránka:roll 1917.djvu/442

Verze z 31. 8. 2018, 13:40, kterou vytvořil Keny (diskuse | příspěvky)
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Woodcraft Manual for Boys . Repair a puncture. . Take apart and clean a bicycle, and put it together again properly. . If sent scouting on a road know how to make reports on road conditions, hills, character of country, location and charac- ter of waters and settlements. . Read a map and report correctly verbal messages. . Write a full report of a 200-mile bicycle trip. . Ride a motorcycle. . Clean a motorcycle. . Repair any important part of a motorcycle. . Msike a rim of 100 miles in a day on motorcycle. . Make a nm of twenty miles in one hour on motorcycle.

Market Woman or Buyer (Gishpinage)

The Degree of Market Woman may be conferred on any one who takes fifteen of these tests: I. Explain the sa3dng that Paris could hve on the waste of New York City. . Know the seasons when lamb, mutton, and pork are best. . Know and buy the six choice cuts of beef, such as tender- loin, sirloin, porterhouse, round, riunp, brisket, rib, etc. What parts of the animals are so called? Tell why certain cuts are best. . Ejiow and buy the best mutton cuts, such as shoulder, leg, rack, chops, etc. Know which cuts are cheapest and best in the long run. . Know and buy the best pork cuts, such as shoulder, chops, loin, and rib roasts. . Know fresh brains, hearts, livers, kidneys, and sweet- breads. . Has the United States Pure Food Law given us better and safer meat? If so, why and how? . Know something definite about diseases of animals from which consumers are likely to suffer. . State why the knowledge of typhoid, tuberculosis, pto- maine, etc., is w^ithin the province of the market woman. . State whether the middleman is friend or foe of the market woman. . Explain cold storage; give list of foods that are safe. . Explain how parcels post, telephone, and cheap motor cars have been a help to the market woman.