Stránka:roll 1916.djvu/414

Verze z 6. 9. 2018, 15:49, kterou vytvořil Keny (diskuse | příspěvky)
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Laundry Expert


The Degree of Laundry Expert may be conferred on any one who takes fourteen of these tests: I. Do a family washing of mixed white and colored clothes ; know how sorted, soaked, boiled etc. (Modern washing machinery allowed.) 2. Do family ironing for total time of eight hours in two months. 3. Cover two ironing boards or one ironing table ready for use. 4. Use yellow and white soap explaining different qualities of each. Use two other means besides soap for softening water. 5. Prepare and use, satisfactorily, hot and cold starch. 6. Use two methods of blueing, tell which is more successful and find out why. 7. Use one method for bleaching, also use Javelle Water and explain results. 8. Remove successfully such stains as coff^, tea, rust, and c'i from the family washing. 9. Explain iron mould; what is the cure for it? 10. Explain blue mould; what is the cure for it? 11. Wash and launder a dozen dress ties. 1 2. Wash and launder six soft collars for men. 13. Wash and launder six sport shirts. 14. Wash and launder three negligee shirts with collans and cuffs attached. 15. Wash and launder a waist and skirt using starch suitable to material. 16. Wash and launder a fancy or lingerie dress. 17. Why do we hang white goods in the sim and colored goods in the shade? 18. Know how blankets should be washed and dried and also other woolens. 19. State how silk should be laundered and know why it ^ould not be thoroughly dried. 20. State the advantage of dry cleaning and how is it done? 21. Remove four different kinds of spots from woolen and silk. 33. Press a skirt and coat and teach some one else to do so. 33. Press a man's suit four times, thoroughly cleaning before pressing.