Stránka:roll 1916.djvu/402

Verze z 6. 9. 2018, 16:14, kterou vytvořil Keny (diskuse | příspěvky)
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SI The Degree of Gardener may be conferred on any one who takes fifteen of these tests: I. Do all the work in a successful flower garden ■ J not less than twenty feet by twenty feet. 2. Do the same for a fruit and vegetable garden. 3. State what are the ten most common weeds. Describe and tell how to overcome them. 4. State what are the ten most harmful usect pests. De- scribe and tell how to combat them. 5. Raise a crop of flowers or berries for market and show by a balance sheet that it has paid. 6. Make a successful window box. 7. Raise a crop of potatoes on a patch of one-twentieth of an acre. 8. Raise half a dozen each of two of the following: cucmnber, tomatoes, egg plant, pumpkins. 9. Distinguish twenty different kinds of garden flowers and tell where they grow best and when. 10. Distinguish twenty different kinds of snudl garden fruits and tell how to manage them. 11. Distinguish six different kinds of apples and tell of their qualities. 12. Describe a cold frame and its use. 13. Describe a hothouse and its use. 14. State what is layering. 15. State what is budding. 16. State what is grafting. 1 7. State what is root pruning. 18. Which do you prefer to have in the garden — ducks or hens? — and why? 19. Plant a plot with pedigreed seed (furnished by the De- partment of Agriculture) and report fully on the results. 20. Make a garden calendar, stating the order of bloom, so that from April to September there is a flower for each week. 21. Have a successful perennial vegetable garden — ^rhubarb, asparagus, mint, horseradish, etc. 22. Take a prize at National, State, or county fair for flowers or vegetable' grown by self. 23. Send a uouquet a week to hospital or "shut-in" or Flower Guild from own flower-beds for six months.

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