Stránka:roll 1931.djvu/24

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first net crossing to the other side and becoming fish. The two sides thus exchange places and parts, until all on one side are caught.

For a large number of players, it is better to have two small nets instead of one, the dodging being livelier and the progress of the game more rapid in every way.

Crossing the Brook

This game is a great favorite with little children. A place representing a brook is marked off by two lines on the ground. For little children, this may start with a width of two feet. The players run in groups, and try to jump across the brook. Those who succeed turn around and jump back with a standing jump instead of a running jump.

On either of these jumps, the player who does not cross the line representing the bank, gets into the water and must run home for dry stockings, being thereafter out of the game. The successful jumpers are led to wider and wider places in the brook to jump, until the widest point is reached at which any player can jump successfully. This player is considered the winner.

Rabbit in a Hollow Tree

The players stand in groups of three with their hands on each other’s shoulders, each group making a small circle which represents a hollow tree. In each “tree” is a player who takes the part of “rabbit.” There should be one more “rabbit” than the number of “trees”. One player is also chosen for “dog.”

The dog chases the odd rabbit, who may take refuge in any tree, always running in and out under the arms of the players forming the tree. The rabbit already there must run for another tree. Whenever the dog catches a rabbit they change places, the dog becoming the rabbit and the rabbit the dog. If at any time a tree is empty, the dog may become a rabbit by finding shelter in this empty tree, whereupon the odd rabbit must take the part. of the dog.

Bird Catcher

Two opposite corners are marked off at one end of the ground or room; the one to serve as a nest for the birds, and the other as a cage. A mother bird is chosen, who takes ..text pokračuje