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Pokračování textu ze strany 89

… Phillips & Co. New York. 1902. A Sioux Indian's story of his own boyhood.

"The Story of the Indian," by G. B. Grinnell. Appleton & Co. New York. 1902.

"Two Wilderness Voyagers," by F. W. Calkins. Fleming H. Revell Co. New York. 1902. The Indian Babes in the Woods.

"Lives of Famous Indian Chiefs," by W. B. Wood. Ameri- can Indian Hist. Pub. Co. Aurora, 111. 1906.

"My Life as an Indian," by J. W. Schultz. Doubleday, Page & Co. New York. 1907. A white man's life among the Blackfeet in the old days.

"Handbook of American Indians," by F. W. Hodge and associates. Pub. in 2 large vols, by Smithsonian Insti- tution, Washington, D. C. 1907. This is a concise and valuable encyclopedia of Indian names and matters.

"Famous Indian Chiefs I have Known," by Gen. O. O. Howard. U. S. A. The Century Co. New York. 1908. Treats of Osceola, Washakie, etc. from the white man's standpoint.

"The Soul of the Indian," by Charles A. Eastman. Houghton, Mifiiin Co. Boston & New York. 1911. A Sioux Indian's account of his people's religion.

'Legends of Vancouver," by Pauline Johnson. McClel- land, Goodchild 8: Stewart, Ltd., Toronto, Ont. 1912. A valuable collection of charming legends gathered on the West coast.

"Sign Talk," by Ernest Thompson Seton. Doubleday, Page & Co., Garden City, New York. 19 18. A uni- versal signal code without apparatus, for use in army, navy, camping, hunting, and daily life.

Besides these the Annual Reports of the Bureau of Ethnol- ogy (1878 to date, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C), are full of valuable information about Indians