Stránka:roll 1948.djvu/23

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The honors of the Woodcraft League are standard, not competitive. For example, we do not give an honor to the boy who wins a running race; but to all the boys who can run a certain distance in a given time. We believe, not in downing the other fellow, but in raising yourself.

A Coup is a single exploit for which the feather badge is given. It is meant to be a really meritorious exploit in a given department. A Grand Coup of the same department is similar, but of such excellence that a person achieving it, is in the highest class, short of the record makers.

Any lowering of these standards would rob the Coups of their value. The committee has steadfastly aimed at raising the standards, but has added greatly to the number of departments of activity.

A degree is an honor which is evidence of all-round proficiency in a given department.

No badges are conferred unless the exploit has been properly witnessed or proven, and approved by a careful local committee. When it is a question of time under one minute, only stop-watches are allowed.

Badges, once fairly won, can never be lost for subsequent failure to reach the standard.

Three witnesses are preferred as sponsors for the achievement; but obviously, in some cases, this is impossible. In such cases, it is sufficient if claimant convinces the committee in charge that Coup has been fairly won — what would be considered legal evidence in the courts of law.

No two Coups can be claimed for one exploit. For example, there is a Coup for swimming 200 yards, in time, and another for swimming 220 yards, no time limit. You cannot swim the 200 yards in time, and then swim 20 yards more and claim two Coups. Each Coup must be a separate exploit.

A Coup is sometimes listed as a repeater, and a second Coup claimed for it, provided entirely new material is offered on the repeat. For example, if you identify 25 birds in the field, according to the conditions attached, you claim a Coup. If you identify 50, you claim a Grand Coup. If you keep on, and identify another 25, all different from..text pokračuje