Stránka:roll 1948.djvu/127

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Pokračování textu ze strany 126 18. Make a fish pond, and in it raise at least two species of fish for two seasons.

14. Make a spawning bed for fish and have it used by them.

15. Find and identify 20 species of salt water shells.

16. Identify four species of crabs found alive.

17. Identify 8 other species of crustaceans, and describe the habits and food value of two of them.

18. Identify 10 other species of water animals, observed alive, not included in above.

19. Make and maintain successfully for three months a fresh water aquarium, containing at least three forms of animal life.

20. As above for a salt water aquarium.



The Degree of Friend of Wild Life may be conferred on any one who takes eleven of these tests:

1. Name and distinguish the three most important lumber trees of your state.

2. Name three trees that have neither lumber nor firewood value but are useful as shade trees, bird food, or bank binders.

3. Know the twenty-five principal song birds of your state.

4. Know the twelve principal game birds of your state.

5. Know the twelve principal four-foots of your state.

6. Mention three animals that serve no commercial purpose but which ought to be preserved because they are harmless and give pleasure to all who see them.

7. Be a member of the Audubon Society, or Agassiz Association.

8. Be a member of the local bird club.

9. Support such local societies as aim to preserve or re-introduce wild birds or desirable plants.

10. Make and put up ten bird boxes at least one of which must be nested in.

11. Make and run a bird’s lunch counter all winter, feeding at least four kinds of birds not counting the English sparrow.

12. Make and run a bird bath successfully. ..text pokračuje