Stránka:roll 1948.djvu/90

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Pokračování textu ze strany 89

Identify 7 species of turtle found in field, for coup. 15 in field, museum or aquarium, for grand coup. II

Catch and identify 8 species of fish, and give an account of where and how each was caught. Know the main provisions of the game laws of your State, concerning fish, for coup. As above, with 16 species of fish, for grand coup. III-II

Identify 25 species of fish seen alive or in the market, for coup. 40 for grand coup. II

Go in a canoe, rowboat or sail boat, on stream, pond, or sea, and collect, mount and identify, or make accurate drawings to scale, 25 specimens of aquatic life, either animal or vegetable for coup. 50 specimens, mounted, identified or drawn as above, part to be animal and part vegetable, for grand coup. I-II

Find in the field and identify 25 salt water shells for coup. 40 for grand coup. II

Identify 10 other sea animals observed alive and give an account of 2 of them, for coup. 20 for grand coup. Lists must not contain any animals for whic credit has been received elsewhere. III

Make and maintain successfully for 8 weeks a salt or fresh water aquarium containing not less than 3 gallons of water and not less than 5 forms of animal life. Keep a careful record of how the aquarium was cared for and of the habits of the animals, for coup. 1 year’s success for grand coup. III

Mount in dust-proof cases, 25 salt water shells, properly labelled with technical name and common name of the field in which it is found, for coup. 40 for grand coup. II


Be able to explain the scales used in measuring temperatures by both centigrade and farenheit thermometers, for a coup. Make a record by using either for a period of a year compiling daily readings and obtaining a yearly average, for a grand coup. III

Be able to explain the principle of the barometer and its use and significance in weather forecasting, for a coup. As in 1 above, for grand coup. III

Identify four major types of clouds, and explain their significance, for a coup. III

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