Stránka:roll 1909.djvu/80

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Pokračování textu ze strany 79

There is one great evil that campers should beware of, that is rheumatism. But none need suffer if they will take the simple precaution of changing their wet clothes when not in action, and never sleeping directly on the ground. A warm, dry place for the bed should be prepared in every tent and teepee.

An adapted teepee that is rain-proof is among those now on the market, or the old-fashined teepee may be improved with a three-foot ‘‘bull boat” or storm-cap of canvas, to cover the ends of the poles.

Tents of any good kind will answer, but they do not admit of a fire within. They are, however, excel- lent for storage. A tent, painted teepee-fasion, may be made very picturesque.

This drawing (p. 77) shows a real Sioux teepee at present in my collection.

It is made of skins. The ground color is of soft gray; the design in pale flat tints of delicate red, yel- low, and green, as below. No other outlines are used.

Putting up the Teepee. Drive a small stake in the ground where the centre of the teepee will come, and about this as centre mark a circle, the same diameter as the tent. For a twelve-foot teepee, a twelve-foot circle, etc.

With one end of a twenty-foot rope tie together éhree of the poles at a point as high as the top of the canvas. Set them as a tripod, their ends touching the edge of the circle. Then set up the other poles (except three, ..text pokračuje