Stránka:roll 1909.djvu/87

Verze z 2. 4. 2021, 12:05, kterou vytvořil Keny (diskuse | příspěvky)
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TEEPEES Thunder Bull’a Teepee Gray Wolf (Crow) Blackfoot Omaha (Cheyenne) wrist is needed,

Pokračování textu ze strany 86

… and most boys require a glove to pro- tect the fingers of the right hand.

The correct way to shoot with a bow is fully set forth in “Two Little Savages.”


All students of the Indian art are satisfied that in this we find the beginnings of something that may develop into a great and original school of decoration. Not having learned their traditions, conventions, and inner impulse, we believe that at present we shall do best by preserving and closely copying the best of the truly native productions.

Therefore, in decorating teepees, etc.. we use only literal copies of the good Indian work.