Stránka:roll 1909.djvu/86

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Pokračování textu ze strany 85

… canvas between two or three of the poles inside the teepee, in front of the opening made, and reaching to the ground. Thisis a lining ordew-cloth. The draft will go up behind this.


The Tribe should own a Standard Target, that is, 4 feet across, circular, made of straw, with a thin oil- cloth cover, marked with a 9.6 inch centre of gold (called by some of our Tribes “the Buffalo’s Eye’); outside of that a 4.8 inch band of red, next a similar band of blue, next of black, next of white. In scoring, the gold is g, the red 7, the blue 5, the black 3, the white 1. The shortest match range for the target is 4o yards. If it is a 3-foot target the match range is reduced to 30 yards.

A target can be made of a burlap sack about 5 feet square. This should be stuffed full of hay or straw, then flattened by a few quilting stitches put right through with a long packing needle. On this the target is painted of exact right size and color.

Each brave should have a bow that pulls from 10 pounds up; about one pound for each year of his age is a safe guide for boys up to sixteen. He should have at least 6 arrows and a quiver. The arrows 25 inches long, with 3 feathers, cone-points of steel or iron; brass points are useless. A guard or bracer for the left ..text pokračuje