Stránka:roll 1909.djvu/84

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RED — All parts marked so:▅ Smoke-flaps and all tops of teepees stem of pipe, lower half-circle under pipe, middle part of bowl, wound on side of Elk, blood falling and on trail; Horse, middle Buffalo, two inner bars of pathway up back; aiso short, dark crossbars, spot on middle of two door-hangers, and fringe of totem at top of pathway, and two black lines on doorway.

YELLOW — All parts marked so:▅ Upper half-circle under pipe stem, upper half of each feather on pipe; horseman with bridle, saddle and one hindfoot of Horse; the largest Buffalo, the outside upright of the pathway ; the ground colors of the totem; the spotted crossbars of pathway ; the four patches next the ground, the two patches over door, and the rings of door-hanger.

GREEN—All parts marked so:▅ Bowl of pipe, spot over it; feather tips of same; Elk, first Buffalo, middle line on each side pathway, and around teepee top; two dashed crossbars on totem and dashed crossbars on pathway; bar on which Horse walks; lower edge and line of spots on upper part of door.