Stránka:roll 1930.djvu/125

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Coups and Degrees 119 G—Colonial Crafts 1. (a) Make 4 bayberry candles, each not less than 6 inches long and 14 inch thick, from material gathered and prepared by self. (b) Grow, gather, dry and use ¥% pound of lavender flowers, or of lemon verbena (tripolium). Either for coup; both for grand coup. 2. (a) Make 1 pound of hard and 1 pound of soft soap, from material prepared by self. (For hard soap, lye may be bought.) (b) Construct a lye gum or leach tub with properly constructed filter of wildwood material, and with this lye gum, make enough lye from wood ashes to make 1 gallon of soft soap. Either for coup ; both for grand coup. 3. Make 1 pint each of 6 different dyes from wildwood material, for coup. Dye 6 squares of white woolen material, each not less than 4x4 inches, or 6 bunches of porcupine quills (20 quills in each bundle), each a different color, and a mordant, using stuff found in the woods, for grand coup. 4. (a) Make 3 pounds of any 3 of the following: butter, cheese, sausage, head cheese, lard, tallow, neats- foot oil. (b) Dry 3 pounds (weight when dried) of some fruit or vegetable, to include at least 3 varieties. Either for coup; both for grand coup. 5. (a) Make an applique or patchwork cover for a quilt, at least 60 x 84 inches, and quilt the same in de- signs or in rectangles not less than 2 inches square, (b) Make a sampler with 2 sets of letters (capitals and small), also the numerals, the maker’s name, date, and a text or proverb. Either for coup; both for grand coup. 6. (L.L.) Make 3 kinds of vegetable dyes, dyeing blot- ting paper or other stuff to show samples, for coup. 5 for grand coup. . H—Conservation 1. Know the life cycle, and take part in the actual cam- paign to destroy any one of the following pests: mealy worm,