Stránka:roll 1948.djvu/122

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Pokračování textu ze strany 121

…a quartet, glee club, chorus, or as a member of an orchestra, band, etc.

11. Play an instrumental solo at three public occasions.

12. Give a party, arranging program of entertainment and refreshments, the latter not to cost more than fifteen cents per person, and for at least six people.

13. Entertain younger people on five different occasions — introducing song, story, dance, or manual training.

14. Write a play which is used for public performance.

15. Do successfully six moving pictures of given subjects such as Sleeping Beauty, Red Riding Hood, Old Mother Hubbard, etc. (acting the story or rhyme out in pantomime).

16. Do ten recognizable bird or animal imitations.

17. Put on shadow charades in camp or shadow moving pictures with sheet and lantern.

18. Take part in folk dancing at three public events.



The Degree of Farmer may be conferred on any one who takes ten of these tests:

1. Explain the nature of soil, its texture and need of water and air.

2. State how to decide what fertilizer is needed in given soil.

3. Plow, harrow and seed down two acres of land.

4. Weed and harvest two acres of land.

5. Cut, make and harvest five acres of hay.

6. Make a seed tester and test the germination of three kinds of crop seeds, one hundred seeds of each kind. “Rag-baby” tester for corn.

7. Identify ten common weeds and tell how to get rid of them.

8. Identify ten bad bugs and tell what they do and how to get rid of them.

9. Have inoculated seeds of clovers, cowpeas, etc., and grown demonstration strips and compare the increase of nodules on roots of inoculated plants.

10. Do all the work in a successful flower, or fruit and vegetable garden, not less than twenty feet by twenty feet...text pokračuje