Stránka:roll 1916.djvu/384

Verze z 17. 4. 2022, 17:18, kterou vytvořil Keny (diskuse | příspěvky)
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Brother or Sister Craft


The Degree Brother or Sister Craft may be conferred on any one who takes seven of these tests:

1. Regularly take younger members of the family for walks or hikes into fields or woods.
2. Take charge of younger members of the family for two weeks (not necessarily consecutive) in the year, supervising sleep, food, and recreation successfully.
3. Plan and give three successfully parties for the younger children (this includes supervising games and behavior).
4. Read regularly one hour a week for three months to younger child any two collections of children's stories.
5. Teach at least five stories of merit to sister or brother so that the child can in turn tell them.
6. Successfully tutor brother or sister in any study.
7. Is known as spending many hours with the younger members of the family in a helpful and kind way.
8. Train a brother or sister in Woodcraft work so that the child, stands well in the Band or Tribe.
9. Be little mother, that is, the real daily guardian of one or more younger children for three months, dresssing, undressing, and washing them in that time.
10. Teach two or more children to sing a song or dance, or to act in someplay for public presentation.
11. Teach one or more children the alphabet.
12. Teach one or more children the notes in music.
13. Lead an outdoor nature class of four or more children for three months.
14. Teach any child the rudiments of another language.
15. Teach any child to make a basket, a bird box a clay pot, a grass rug, or other useful article.
16. Teach a child to sew, knit, embroider, crochet, or weave.




The Degree of Business may be conferred on any one who takes fifteen of these tests:

1. Write a letter of application for a position; a letter ordering goods and a letter of acknowledgement.
2. Write good personal letters of acceptance, regret and sympathy.

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