Stránka:book 1912.djvu/519

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Pokračování textu ze strany 518

If you go on the warpath do not turn around when you have gone part way, but go on as far as you were going; then come back.

If I should live to see you become a man I want you to become a great man. I want you to think about the hard times we have been through.

Take pity on people who are poor, because we have been poor, and people have taken pity on us.

If I live to see you a man, and to go off on the warpath, I would not cry if I were to hear that you had been killed in battle. That is what makes a man, to fight and to be brave.

Love your friend and never desert him. If you see him surrounded by the enemy do not run away; go to him, and if you cannot save him, be killed together, and let your bones lie side by side. — (“Pawnee Hero Stories,” by G. B. Grinnell, pp. 46-47.)


On the lowest plane of all the great Indian teachers, perhaps, was Tshut-che-nau, Chief of the Kansas Indians. In 1800 he was a very old man, so probably his epoch was 1750 to 1800.

This Hammurabi of his people used to lecture the young Indians — as part of their training — and J. D. Hunter, the white boy, who was adopted into the tribe and sat at the old man's feet, has thus recorded principles there laid down:

When you become men be brave and cunning in war, and defend your hunting grounds against all encroachments.
Never suffer your squaws or little ones to want.
Protect the squaws and strangers from insult.
On no account betray your friend.
Resent insults.
Revenge yourself on your enemies.
Drink not the poisonous strong water of the white people; it is sent by the Bad Spirit to destroy the Indians.
Fear not death; none but cowards fear to die.

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