Stránka:roll 1910.djvu/81

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BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA 65 When the wind is in the north, The old folk should not venture forth. When the wind is in the south, It blows the bait in the fishes' mouth. When the wind is in the west. It is of all the winds the best. An opening and a shetting Is a sure sign of a wetting. (Another version) Open and shet, Sure sign of wet. (Still another) It's lighting up to see to rain. Evening red and morning gray- Sends the traveller on his way. Evening gray and morning red Sends the traveller home to bed. Red sky at morning, the shepherd takes warning; Red sky at night is the shepherd's delight. If the sun goes down cloudy Friday, sure of a clear Sunday. If the rooster crows standing on fence or high place, it will clear; If on the ground, it doesn't count. Between eleven and two You can tell what the weather is going to do. Rain before seven, clear before eleven. Fog in the morning, bright sunny day. If it rains, and the sun is shining at the same time, the devil is whipping his wife and it will surely rain to-morrow. If it clears ofif during the night, it will rain shortly again. Sun drawing water, sure sign of rain. A circle round the moon means " storm." As many stars as are in circle, so many days before it will rain.