BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA 127 ■finish. The really skilful woodsmen of the North always dovetail the corners and saw them flush. (Fig. 10.) Sometimes it is desirable to make a higher gable than that which one ridge-log can make. Then it is made thus. (Fig. II.) This is as much slope as a clay roof should have; with any more, the clay would wash off. This is the simplest way to build a log-cabin, but it illustrates all the main principles of log-building. Shingle roofs and gables; broad piazzas outside, and modern fitting inside, are often added nowadays in summer camp, but it must be clear that the more towny you make the cabin, the less woodsy it is, and less likely to be the complete rest and change that is desired. For fuller instructions, see " Log-Cabins and Cottages," Wm. S. Wicks, 1900. (Pub. Forest and Stream, N. Y.) Also, " The Jack of All Trades," by Dan. C. Beard, Scribner's.
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