BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA 159 We haven't got a single care, We twinkle all the night, And each one does his little best To fill his world with light. (Chorus) We never heard of enemies, From every fear we're free. And the blacker that the night is The better pleased are we. (Chorus) (Now an Owl appears. A blanket draped across the arms will do for wings, and, aided by a mask, is sufficient make-up. He comes swooping and hooting into the ring. The Fire-flies open, but close about him dancing and singing:) The merriest time of day is night, And merriest kind of fowl, If everything on earth were right, Would be, of course, the Owl. (The Owl hoots and hisses angrily. They laugh and shout in glee:) (Chorus) Oh, hear him try to frighten us That never knew a fear, And if he'll neither dance nor sing We'll chase him out of here. (They flash their torches in his face and he flies away, hooting and shrieking.) (Chorus) (A very big Bear now comes blundering in. The Fire-flies flash around him singing:)
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