Stránka:roll 1917.djvu/426

Verze z 18. 9. 2016, 17:32, kterou vytvořil Keny (diskuse | příspěvky) (→‎Zkontrolováno)
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9. Know how to prepare kumysa and whey.

10. Know how to prepare "cottage cheese."

11. Bake five batches of good bread, one to be raisin bread.

12. Train a class in cooking, showing and making them do it properly.

13. Tell how a city should protect its foods, milk, meat, and exposed foods.

14. Write a statement on the various digestive processes — in the mouth, in the stomach, in the intestines.

15. Know what fruits and vegetables can be put up for winter use by the "cold water process" sealing without cooking. Explain why these fruits will not spoil.

16. Put up for family use fifty quarts of fruits or vegetables in one year.

17. Put up fifty glasses of jelly, using no commercial article to make the fruit "jell, " but if necessary using a second fruit in combination for that purpose. Explain the process of jellying.



The Degree of Forester may be conferred on any one who takes eighteen of these tests:

1. Identify twenty-five kinds of trees when in leaf, or fifteen kinds of deciduous (broad leaf) trees in winter, and tell some of the uses of each.

2. Identify twelve kinds of shrubs.

3. Collect and identify samples of thirty kinds of wood and be able to tell some of their uses and peculiar properties.

4. Determine the height, and estimate the amount of timber, approximately, in five trees of different sizes.

5. State the laws for transplanting, grafting, spraying, and protecting trees.

6. Make a collection of sixty species of wild flowers, ferns, or grasses dried and mounted in a book and correctly named.

7. Recognize in the forest all important commercial trees in one's neighborhood.

8. Distinguish the lumber from each and tell for what purpose each is best suited.

9. Tell the age of old blazes on trees which mark a boundary or trail.

10. Recognize the difference in the forest between good and...