4^6 The Book of Woodcraft weight and perhaps goes beyond it in strength and hardness. Leaves 3 to 5 inches long. Fruit i| to 2^ inches long. Dak. to Nova Scotia and south to Gulf. Blue Beech, Water or American Hornbeam (Carpinus caroliniana) A small tree, 10 to 25, rarely 40, feet high; bark, smooth. Wood hard, close-grained, very strong; much like Ironwood, but lighter. A cubic foot weighs 45 lbs. 3 to 4 inches long. U. S. east of Missouri River. Leaves White Oak {Quercus alba) A grand forest tree; over ico feet up to 150 feet high. The finest and most valuable of our oaks. The one perfect timber for shipbuilders, farmers and house furnishers. Its wood is pale, strong, tough, fine-grained, durable and heavy. A cubic foot weighs 46 lbs. I found that when green it weighed 68 lbs. to the cubic foot and of course sank in water like a stone. Called white from pale color of bark
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