428 The Book of Woodcraft than water, and sinks at once. It is much like the chest- nut oak but its leaves are narrower, more sharply saw-edged and its acorns much smaller, about half the size. Its acorns ripen in one season. Leaves 4 to 6 inches long. La. to Iowa and easterly to Mass. Red Oak (Quercus rubra) A fine forest tree, 70 to 80, or even 140, feet high. Wood reddish brown. Sapwood darker. Hard, strong, coarse- grained, heavy. A cubic foot weighs 41 lbs. It checks, warps, and does not stand for weather or ground work. The acorn takes two seasons to ripen. Apparently all those oaks whose nuts take two seasons to ripen have wood that soon rots. The low flat shape of the cup is distinctive; in fact it has no cup, it has a saucer; leaves 4 to 8 inches long. Mo. to Minn, and east to Atlantic. Scarlet Oak {Quercus coccinea) Seventy to 80 or even 160 feet high. Scarlet froni its spring and autumn foliage color. The leaves arc a, little
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