Contented VIII. General Scouting Outdoors Rubbing-stick Fire 194 Hiking in the Snow 194 Weather Wisdom 199 Outdoor Proverbs 201 The Stars 202 The Pleiades as a Test of Eyesight . . . 208 The Twin Stars 211 The Planets 211 The Moon 213 Making a Dam 213 When Lost in the Woods 214 Indian Tweezers 215 A Home-made Compass 216 An Indian Clock, Shadow Clock or Sundial . 216 Lights 217 Hunter's Lamp . , 217 Woodman's Lantern 217 Camp Loom and Grass Mats 219 Navaho Loom 220 Camp Rake 222 Camp Broom 223 Building a Boat 224 A Dugout Canoe 225 Camp Horn 226 Sleep Outdoors 226 The Gee-string Camp 227 IX. SlGNAlING AND INDIAN SiGNS Sign Language 228 Picture-writing 239 Blazes and Indian Signs 245 Blazes 245 Stone Signs 247 Grass and Twig Signs 247 Smoke Signals 248 Signal by Shots 249 Special Signs 249 Weather Signals 251 Signals on the Railway 252 The Code 253 xiv
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