Contents Forestry — Contimted Ashes 442 Books Recommended 443 XVI. Some Indian Ways Teepees 444 Storm-cap or Bull Boat 444 Putting up the Teepee 448 Teepee Life 449 Hairy- Wolf's Teepee 451 Art 454 Indian Seats 455 Head Band 458 Warbonnet or Headdress 459 Its Meaning 459 Plenty-Coups 461 Details of the Warbonnet 463 Making the Warbonnet 464 Indian Costume 465 War-shirt 465 Leggings 469 Moccasins 469 War-clubs 469 Paddles 469 Drum 469 Peace Pipe 469 The Indian or Willow Bed 471 Indian Paints 475 Indian Dyes 477 Naming the Camp or Keeping the Winter Count 478 Archery 478 How to Make a Bow 479 Holding and Drawing 481 The Warbow of the Penobscots . . . .481 Scalps 483 Indian Work 484 XVII. Campfire Stories or Glimpses of Indian Character The Teachings of Winnemucca .... 485 The Teachings of Wabasha 1 485 xz
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